USS Sargo (SSN 583)
Reunion 2023

Reunion Banquet Photos

Home Page Sargo Reunions Sargo Reunion 2023

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Aelea Christofferson, Tom Hall, Clete and Barbara Helvey Debra and Phillip Weydert, Jerry and
Alyce Houston, Debra and Victor Behlings
James and JoAnn Weatherwax

Shirley and Jon Wood Rich and Kay Mehochko Don Taylor and James Weatherwax

Tom Hall and Aelea Christofferson/B> Clete and Barbara Helvey LaWanda and Scott Wold

Jan and David Hirt Tracey and Mike Hacking, John Smallwood,
and Jim Chapman
Tracey and Mike Hacking

Nancy and Jerre Grant Dick Litscher Dolores and Martin Shamis

Chris and Pearl Mahar Della and Keith Keenan Glen and Colleen Steinkoenig

Debra and Victor Behlings Jack and Rosemary Sheehy Jerry and Alyce Houston

Phillip and Debra Weydert Daniel and Sally Panek Joey and Patti Romero

Jennifer and Phil Gilbert David Lacombe Heidi and Jeff Glaza
Celestine and James Latterell Laura and Brad Brock Julie and Lester Skelley

Mike and Michelle Patzius Roger Friend, Chris Friend,
Tracey and Mike Hacking
Ning and Jack Barfield


Photos courtesy of the USS Sargo (SSN 583) Association, Thanks!