REUNION 2021 USS Sargo Reunion Banquet |
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Remembering our departed and missing |
Norman and Stacy Allbritton (1973 - 1977) |
Jack and Ning Barfield (C.O. 1975 - 1979) |
Victor and Debra Behlings (1978 - 1981) |
Michael and Susan Berdinka (1973 - 1976) |
John and Kathy Brandes (1972 - 1976) |
Brad Brock and Laura Brown (1981 - 1984) |
Jim Chapman (1974 - 1977) |
Mrs. Kay Cox (Widow of C.O. John Cox) |
Mark and Dawn Creswell (1983 - 1985) |
Gary Cruse (1981 - 1984) |
Jim and Dori Darrow (1975 - 1978) |
David and Kathy Downs (1968 - 1970) |
Bob and Carla Gerle (C.O.B. '70-'72 & '73-'75) |
Jeff and Heidi Glaza (1981 - 1983) |
Robert Gloster and Maria Keller (1982 - 1985) |
Kevin and Jeanenne Graham (1983 - 1988) |
Mike and Tracey Hacking (1973 - 1976) |
Tom Hall and Aelea Christofferson (1973 - 1977) |
Troy and Laura Hendrickson (1984 - 1986) |
David and Jan Hirt (1972 - 1975) |
Jerry and Alyce Houston (1971 - 1981) |
Jeff and Martha Hudson (1985 - 1988) |
David and Frances Kirsten (1981 - 1985) |
Timoth and Christine Knowles (1985 - 1988) |
Don Kuffner and Bobbi Amrheim (1967 - 1970) |
David Lacombe (1981 - 1984) |
James and Celestine Latterell (1961 - 1962) |
James and Christine Lauser (1983 - 1988) |
Dick Litscher (1970 - 1972) |
Chris and Pearl Mahar (1983 - 1986) |
Robert and Rhonda McBride (1974 - 1977) |
Rich and Kay Mehochko (1967 - 1972) |
Lawrence Monger (1961 - 1965) |
Jerry and Susie O'Neal (1968 - 1971) |
Daniel and Sally Panek (1983 - 1986) |
Mike and Michelle Patzius (1984 - 1987) |
Troy Peterson (1985 - 1988) |
Harold Ploegsma (1960) |
George and Susan Rollins (1983 - 1986) |
Scott Ross (1981 - 1985) |
Jeff and Rhonda Santarini (1982 - 1985) |
Marti Shamis (1982 - 1986) |
Jack and Rosemary Sheehy (1978 - 1981) |
Mike Simeral (1965 - 1969) |
John Smallwood (Nephew of James Smallwood) |
Rich Talipsky (1972 - 1975) |
Richard and Sherry Taylor (1978 - 1982) |
Douglas Toth (1983 - 1985) |
Doug Toth and Glen Steinkoenig |
Don and Reta Vogt (1981 - 1985) |
Steve Von Hiritz and Deborah Hunter (1973 - 1975) |
Warren and Linda Washington (1984 - 1986) |
John and Nancy Weatherwax (1963 - 1966) |
Jim and Jo Ann Weatherwax (Guests) |
Larry Whittington (1981 - 1982) |
Jon and Shirley Wood (1964 - 1971) |
The 60s USS Sargo Crew | The Ladies from the 1960s |
The 70s USS Sargo Crew | The Ladies from the 1970s |
The 80s USS Sargo Crew | The Ladies from the 1980s |
The USS Sargo Crew in attendance at Nashville, TN |
John Smallwood was honored at the Reunion Banquet with his Dolphins |
Photos Courtesy of Larry Whittington |