Reunion 2003 Photos

Gathering for the Reunion

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The Hospitality Room
Courtesy Mike Hacking
Jerre Grant, Mary Cole and Sam Jones
waiting for the bus

Courtesy Don Cole
David Downs and Rich Mehochko
in the Hospitality Room

Courtesy Don Cole

Visiting with old friends in the
Hospitality Room

Courtesy Don Cole
David Downs, John Ball, Mike Simeral,
Rich Mehochko, Don Cole & Jerry O'Neal

Courtesy Don Cole
Hospitality Room in full swing!
Courtesy Don Cole

Pete Graef, Ken Hartung, Mike Hacking,
and John Oury

Courtesy Mike Hacking
The Girls
Courtesy Mike Hacking
Tracey Hacking and Carla Gerle
Courtesy Mike Hacking

John Nicholson, Frank Munroe, Ron Duke,
Larry Curtiss, and Mike McBride

Courtesy Mike Hacking
Howard and Annette Morgan
Courtesy Ken Hartung
Steve and Kristi Prunty
Courtesy Ken Hartung

Ken and Audrey Hartung
Courtesy Mike Hacking
John Ball and Ken Hartung
Courtesy Ken Hartung
Jerre Grant, Ken Hartung, & Pete Graef
Courtesy Ken Hartung

Ron Duke, Larry Curtiss, Mike McBride,
Mike Hacking, Frank Munroe, and
John Nicholson

Courtesy Charlie Marin
Jo Duke, Peg Curtiss, Pat Nicholson,
Mary Cole, and Carla Gerle

Courtesy Charlie Marin
Pat and John Nicholson, Leo Miller,
Marty Paul & Dean Van Leeuwen

Courtesy Charlie Marin

Mike McBride, Harold Buttefield
and John Nicholson

Courtesy Charlie Marin
Dorothy Butterfield,
Pat Nicholson, and Leo Miller

Courtesy Charlie Marin
Beverly and Leo Miller
Courtesy Ken Hartung

Robert Smith, Bob McBride,
Mike Hacking, and Mike Simeral

Courtesy Charlie Marin
LeRoy Bannach, Ed Riordan,
and Frank Munroe

Courtesy Charlie Marin
Dan and Pat Marin, and Peg Curtiss
Courtesy Charlie Marin

John Ball on the back porch
Courtesy Rich Mehochko
Nancy Grant on the back porch
Courtesy Rich Mehochko
The Girls on the back porch
Courtesy Rich Mehochko

Sam Jones
Courtesy Rich Mehochko
John Ball and Rich Mehochko
Courtesy Rich Mehochko
Ken Hartung, Mike Hacking,
John Oury, and Pete Graef

Courtesy Rich Mehochko

Bob Gerle, Don Cole,
Mike McBride, and Carla Gerle

Courtesy Rich Mehochko
Howard Wright and Rich Mehochko
Courtesy Rich Mehochko
Howard Wright and Rich Mehochko
Courtesy Rich Mehochko