USS SARGO (SSN 583) Reunion 2003
Photos from the Reunion Banquet |
Click on the pictures to enlarge!
Norm Allbritton | John Ball |
LeRoy and Patsy Bannach |
Harold and Dorothy Butterfield |
Don and Mary Cole |
Larry and Peg Curtiss |
David and Kathy Downs |
Ron and Jo Duke |
Warren and Gail Forrest |
Ralph Foster |
Bob and Carla Gerle |
Sanchez and Ellie Goode Larry and Betty Crump |
Pete and Carol Graef |
Jerre and Nancy Grant |
David and Glenda Gruber |
Mike and Tracey Hacking |
Ken and Audrey Hartung |
Sam Jones | Charlie Marin |
Bob and Rhonda McBride |
Mike and Joan McBride |
Rich and Kay Mehochko |
Gordon and LaNora Miler |
Leo and Beverly Miller |
Howard and Annette Morgan |
Frank and Helen Munroe |
Nick and Pat Nicholson |
Jerry and Susie O'Neal |
John Oury | Marty Paul |
Steve and Kristi Prunty |
Ray Richard |
Ed and Audrey Riordan |
Mike and Judy Rolow |
Michael and Debra Simeral |
Bill, John and Erma Smallwood |
Nicholsons and Smallwoods | Robert Smith |
George and Bonnie Stevens |
Bob and Grace Stewart |
Lee and Dorothy Tew |
Jim and Wanda Thomas |
Dean and Sally Van Leeuwen Erik Marias |
Howard and Alice Wright |
Erich and Carol Ziller |
Chiefs of the Boat | Commanding Officers | Commissioning Crew | Shipmates from the '60s | Shipmates from the '70s |
The Gerle Wedding Shipmates |
The Butterfields with Commanding Officers |
Reunion Organizing Committee |